
Sustainable Products

Green Aluminium

Following years of intensive research within Gulf Extrusions, alloys made from recycled aluminium have now become a fact. The purpose to all this is to contribute to large-scale reduction in the consumption of raw materials. By remelting aluminium systematically and processing it into new alloys, we contribute to the reduction of 60% to 80% of CO2 emissions in comparison to exploiting primary aluminium.

The 5 Years Strategic Plan 2010 – 2015 of Gulf Extrusions is fully aligned with Dubai Government 2020 Strategic Plan cascaded down to our Fifth SMART Strategic Objective to exceed expectations by reducing our emission to the half of the legal required limit.

The Emission Limit of 500mg/Nm3 for carbon monoxide are set by the Dubai Municipality. Gulf Extrusions has set an ambitious target to reduce its emissions to less than 250 mg/Nm3 before the end of 2015. The following graph shows the progress on stack emissions since 2010 and it can be seen that the ambitious target has been met earlier than anticipated, that is, in the third quarter 2011 the emission reached below 250 mg/Nm3 almost 3 years ahead of the target date. Currently the stack emission is measured annually by a third party laboratory approved by the Dubai Municipality.

In 2010 the Average Carbon Monoxide emission was 250.69 mg/Nm3. The maximum emission in one stack was 495 mg/Nm3.

In 2011 the Average Carbon Monoxide emission was reduced by 52.56 mg/Nm3. The Maximum emission in one stack was also reduced to 236 mg/Nm3.

In 2012 the Average Carbon Monoxide emission was reduced by 52.125 mg/Nm3. The maximum emission in one stack was 185 mg/Nm3.

In 2013 Gulf Extrusions was awarded the Dubai Municipality Green Industry Performance Award for the Large Industry Category. In 2012 Gulf Extrusions had won the Gulf Aluminium Council Environment Award for the Downstream Industries.

Gulf Extrusions has taken a lot of interest in developing green areas in the company premises, where more than 1400 trees are irrigated using 100% recycled water.

Furthermore more than 20 countries are represented in the workforce and employees in Gulf Extrusions. The company has demonstrated over 37 year to be able to successful merge international knowledge and to potentiate their aluminum skills, possible through the crossing cultural background.


Following years of intensive research and gradual development, alloys made from recycled aluminium have now become a fact: X-ECO. The name translates at once as an important quality of the product: equivalence. That is because the properties of our recycled aluminium alloys are equivalent to those of primary aluminium. Our planet is straining under the burden caused by CO2 emissions, the mass consumption of energy and raw materials, their wastage and the pollution they create. Gulf Extrusions wants to make its contribution towards calling a halt to this downward spiral. By remelting aluminium and turning it into new alloys, we are preventing further expansion of the waste mountain. Moreover, we are vastly reducing CO2 emissions.

Several good arguments for using the applications of Gulf Extrusion’s X-ECO:

  • Its properties comply with European standards.
  • The quality of recycled X-ECO is equal to that of primary aluminium.
  • The pre-consumer recycled content and post-consumer recycled content is in the range of 90-95%.
  • Reduction of 60 to 80% CO2 emission in comparison to exploiting primary aluminium.
  • Re-melting requires only 5% of the energy in comparison to exploiting primary aluminium.
  • Applicable for a large number of alloys.